Calibrate Conversations w/ Brady Cone
Calibrate Conversations is a podcast that helps to reveal and untangle the lies we have believed as we seek to embrace God's standard for sexuality. Join us weekly as we discuss topics ranging from faith, sexuality, and culture.
For more resources, visit www.CalibrateMinistries.com
Calibrate Conversations w/ Brady Cone
The WRONG WAY To Handle LGBTQ Issues In The Church
In this episode, we delve into a recent controversy surrounding a video that has sparked significant discussion.
We're sharing the story of a woman who was removed from her church's worship team because of her same-sex marriage. We shine a light on the church leadership's missteps and give advice for church leaders who face difficult situations like this in years to come.
Join us weekly as we strive help people embrace God's standard for sexuality!
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#LGBTQ #Church #Sexuality