Calibrate Conversations w/ Brady Cone

​ Sean McDowell's Conversation With Preston Sprinkle: My Thoughts On Side B Theology

Brady Cone

In this episode of Calibrate Conversations, Brady analyzes a recent discussion between theologians Sean McDowell and Preston Sprinkle regarding Side B Theology and the concept of gay identity within Christianity. Brady provides in-depth commentary on the theological implications, concerns, and the broader cultural impact of Side B theology.

Key Takeaways

Words Matter – The term gay Christian carries theological and cultural implications that contradict biblical teaching.

Sanctification is Ongoing – Christians are called to transformation, not to embrace sinful desires as permanent.

The Church Must Be Clear – Ambiguity in language and identity creates confusion both inside and outside the church.

Love & Truth Go Hand in Hand – Christians should show love and grace but remain firm in biblical truth.

Join us weekly as we strive help people embrace God's standard for sexuality! 

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#BiblicalSexuality #SideBTheology #ChristianIdentity