Calibrate Conversations w/ Brady Cone
Calibrate Conversations is a podcast that helps to reveal and untangle the lies we have believed as we seek to embrace God's standard for sexuality. Join us weekly as we discuss topics ranging from faith, sexuality, and culture.
For more resources, visit www.CalibrateMinistries.com
Calibrate Conversations w/ Brady Cone
Sean McDowell's Conversation With Preston Sprinkle: My Thoughts On Side B Theology
In this episode of Calibrate Conversations, Brady analyzes a recent discussion between theologians Sean McDowell and Preston Sprinkle regarding Side B Theology and the concept of gay identity within Christianity. Brady provides in-depth commentary on the theological implications, concerns, and the broader cultural impact of Side B theology.
Key Takeaways
Words Matter – The term gay Christian carries theological and cultural implications that contradict biblical teaching.
Sanctification is Ongoing – Christians are called to transformation, not to embrace sinful desires as permanent.
The Church Must Be Clear – Ambiguity in language and identity creates confusion both inside and outside the church.
Love & Truth Go Hand in Hand – Christians should show love and grace but remain firm in biblical truth.
Join us weekly as we strive help people embrace God's standard for sexuality!
Other ways to listen:
#BiblicalSexuality #SideBTheology #ChristianIdentity